Videos are a nice way to publish your message all over the world. If you want to include your Videos from YouTube, Vimeo or an other Video Hoster you can include this in an easy way using our shortcode system.

  • You only must to type in the ID of the Video from YouTube or Vimeo, that's all
  • The output video is responsive so it always fits to the device where you want to watch
  • No complicated including of an iframe in a Wysiwig editor using extensions


How to use Vimeo Videos

{vimeo | 24195442} Example: means your ID is 24195442


How to use YouTube Videos

{youtube | Yq_6kEyIAcM} Example: means your ID is Yq_6kEyIAcM

YouTube Widescreen

How to use YouTube Widescreen Videos

{youtube-wide | N966cATFWjI} Example: means your ID is N966cATFWjI

Responsive iFrames

How to use responsive iFrames (works also with Flash Content)

{iframe}Your iFrame embedding Code here{/iframe} Attention: for including regular iFrames or Flash it's recommend to turn your WYSIWIG Editor, like TinyMCE, to off!

One of the most innovative features of this Joomla Template is the possibility to include Modal Windows on every place where you want. Modals are made for show a Joomla Module in nice Lightbox. See the big feature list above.

  • Including is so easy and comfortable using our integrated shortcode system
  • It's possible to display up to 10 reveals on every page and link them internal
  • Reveal is no iframe it's inline content, so search engines will thank you
  • Of course the reveal modal is fully responsive and fits to all devices
  • Display nearly every Joomla Module in this reveal, for example a Login Module


Modal as a Button click button

Open Login Module

Open Text Module

Open Menu Module

Modal as a Link click link

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, open Content condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, open Content Module condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. open Menu Module donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Modal as a Image click image

How to use

You can use this Shortcodes everywhere in your content, click here to find out more.

{button-data | btn-large btn-info | #name-of-the-Moduleposition | Text for the Button | data-toggle="modal"} {link-data | name-of-the-Moduleposition | #name-of-the-Moduleposition | Text for the Link | data-toggle="modal"} {image-data | name-of-the-Moduleposition | #name-of-the-Moduleposition | /path-to-image.jpg | data-toggle="modal"}

Follow this instruction step-by-step to create your Modal:

  • Add a new module (for example the custom html module)
  • Place your text/content/shortcode/image inside the textfield
  • Give a module position like modal1
  • Made menu assignment to the page where to display
  • Save the module
  • Go to the page/module/area where to display and use one of the upper shortcodes

Attention: It's really easy to use this reveal modal but some things keep in mind:

  • Use one of the possible module positions modal1 - modal10
  • Use Menu Assignment to display only on pages where you want to open the modal cause it loads otherwise on every page
  • Don't use the Modal for display Maps, many Images or Videos, for this Case we have the Lightbox included

We integrated some really awesome shortcodes in this Template, you can use them nearly everywhere in your template using a short syntax, use them in module titles, use them in content, use them in other modules and so much more places.

  • Easy to use without knowledge of coding, works with every Editor
  • Awesome styling and functions for your content, you will love it
  • Spice up your Content using the WS-Shortcode system


You can see a Demo on nearly every page of this Template, scroll to the bottom of the respective page to see the shortcode syntax.

How to use

The shortcodes are very easy to use, simply click the typography button and click on the element of your choice, edit the settings, save and ready. Yes it's true! But attention: if you are using frontend editing please deactivate the button (not the shortsystem, only the button)

Also some styles of mobile friendly Tabs are included in this Joomla Template. Simply organize your content in a nice and comfortable way, this module is like many others also included in the download package.

  • Two styles to choose from, all well designed and of course fully responsive to work on all devices
  • Place your content using your favorite Wysiwig editor easily directly in the module
  • Choose for every tab module which tab should be open at the first visit of your page

Demo - Left Tabs

Simple Joomla Tab Module, concepted and developed for easy handling of your Content Tabs

Demo - Centered Tabs

Simple Joomla Tab Module, concepted and developed for easy handling of your Content Tabs

How to use

This function is made with an simple joomla module which is included in the download package of this theme.

We have integrated a awesome Page Preloader, this is a simple Module which can be assigned to specific pages or to your whole site. For example, simply activate it on pages where you have heavy Images to load to get a nice preloading of this Site only.

  • Choose a Individual Background Color for the Preloader
  • Use simple animated Gifs, 5 are already included for light and dark Backgrounds
  • Setup the Time the Preloader should fade out


You have already seen it as you have opened this site. Click the below Button to reload this Page.

Show me the preloading

How to use

This function is made with an simple joomla module which is included in the download package of this theme.